Laundry Room in Garage

If there is not enough space for a laundry room in your new home, laundry room in garage sounds like a brilliant idea. Actually, you won’t use the whole garage as your laundry room so the best words for it are the laundry nook.

There are some washer and dryer in garage requirements you must fulfill before you start moving your laundry room in garage. Garage is a wonderful space for everything you want. It can be a working space, laundry room, or anything else you desire but make sure you prepare the garage before using it. Here some option from Iki Sae.

moving Washer and dryer in garage requirements

Laundry Room in Garage

You must do some preparations before you start creating a laundry nook in that garage. Below are some washer and dryer in garage requirements you should never skip if you want your laundry nook works properly.

1. Clean Your Garage Space

Your garage is going to be where you work with dirty clothes and bring them out of the room as clean clothes. You must have your garage as clean as your home interior. Garages will build up the debris and collect clutter really fast. Take everything you don’t need out of the garage first.

After removing everything you don’t need from the room, you’re ready to organize everything you need and start moving washer and dryer to garage.

2. Start Installing The Hookups in The Garage

Setting up your laundry nook in the garage requires the proper set up. This area will need cold and hot water supply, some proper hookups, and a drain. Don’t forget to complete the room with a hose. When moving washer and dryer to garage make sure you place your washer right in front of your water spigots.

Then your drain must run into your garage main plumbing system. Run your hose from any spigot of hot water to the inlet of hot water in your washer. Make sure that your garage has the proper electrical outlet. Many washers will need 220 volts.

3. Get Your Garage Door Insulated

Compared to the other areas in the house, the garage door usually is less insulated. During the colder season, a garage door that is insulated is going to help you circulate the better temperature. It helps you clean your clothes comfortably.

About garage laundry room ideas, there are assorted options of insulation you can opt for. Make sure you know which one is the best for your garage and apply it immediately before the winter comes.

4. Watch The Wall Systems of Garage Laundry Room Ideas

Keeping your garage floors free from the clutter will help you maximize the space. Consider setting up the overhead storage where you can place your detergent, fabric softener, and folded towels neatly. Complete your walls with hooks to hang clothes, bins, and baskets.

Those storage ideas will help you place the entire laundry and cleaning supplies without making the garage floor look full and messy. This will help you enjoy doing the laundry.

5. Prepare Your Laundry Room in Garage With Epoxy Floor

There is always a risk of leaking when you have a dryer and washer in the garage. The system of epoxy flooring is perfectly designed for all accidents that may happen in the garage. Epoxy floor is floor coating that is durable and has some features like finished gloss, chemical resistance, and abrasion resistance.

Your laundry room in garage will be permanently sealed with an epoxy floor and will always be free from any stain. If you accidentally spill or drop anything on the floor, you can simply wipe it up and get your laundry room clean again. Do you think your garage is ready to welcome the washer and dryer?